Pump Stations
CM Environmental are proud to offer a full range of Package Pump Stations. They are designed for the collection of foul/surface water and installed in low lying developments, where a gravity fall cannot be achieved to connect to the mains sewer. Our range of package pump stations suit all major domestic, commercial and industrial applications, including pumping effluent and basement de-watering. CM Environmental will quote and supply the correct size chamber and components, to suit your sites invert levels, whilst adhering to Building Regulations Part H storage requirements.

Mini Basement Pumps
Single storm or foul water pump stations
Twin storm or foul water pump stations
Concrete Ring Pump Stations
Pumping Stations Suitable for Adoption

Engineers On Hand

CM have highly trained, friendly and thorough engineers on the road for when you need them - they undertake every day services as well as call outs when required.
Most of our engineers are Confined Space Entry accredited and are available to undertake pump station fit outs inside of concrete ring chambers.
Many have also recently undergone Fusion Weld training, meaning we can help our customers with pump station rising main repairs and installation as well.
Please get in touch for a quote.