2020 Regulations for Septic Tanks
Updates to septic tank regulations in England and Wales Who needs to know? Any one with any off-mains drainage system needs to be aware...

Wipes... the bane of the pump station world!
Even the BBC are noting the issues this is causing now: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-46188354 Please have a read of this article and...

Worried About Your Sewage Treatment Plant...?
CM Environmental don't just supply and install treatment plants. We also offer ongoing service contracts on all of our sewage treatment...

Common Causes for Engineer Aborted Visits
As a company, CM Environmental tries to avoid aborted visits at all costs. It is not in our interest to have to abort - engineer time is...

Rainwater Harvesting - When is it worthwhile?!
We supply Rainwater Harvesters - but at CM Environmental our representatives are often asked whether it's worth it? We are always open...

Our Most Common Cause of Call-Outs... and How You Can Avoid Them!
As you can imagine, many people give the workers here at CM a funny look when we say what we do for a living... our engineers are often...

Ongoing Maintenance Contracts
CM Environmental offer ongoing service contracts for all of the products we offer, by trained British Water Accredited engineers....

Percolation Test: Failure or Victory?!
CM Environmental undertake percolation tests for our customers, in order to size a suitable soakaway or drainage field for the site. We...

Sizing a Soakaway - Why it's better to be safe than soggy!
A well-designed soakaway or drainage field is a network of perforated pipes and gravel, installed in a grid system, intended to ensure...

Environment Agency Permit to Discharge
Depending on the size of your sewage treatment plant, the Environment Agency may require a permit to discharge to prove the flow will be...